Our Erasmus+ (KA1) mobility project “BRINJEing new knowledge” is running from 2019.  We teachers have changed and adapted our objectives for this project many times due to the Covid situation. We have not yet implemented all of the mobility activities, but we are working to ensure that our project aims will be implemented and realised in the context of our lessons and other activities at the school.

We invite you to read about our 2020/21 school year activities below:

In the context of foreign language learning, we have encouraged pupils’ creativity in various areas, including literary and artistic creativity. Our pupils took part in the Schwanenstadt International Literary Competition. Eva Kastelic and Ema Božič won second place with an original story and illustrations and an innovative booklet.

Two pupils achieved great success with their original literary stories and a poem in the Slovenian Caritas national competition (which raises awareness about the harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption and its devastating consequences on families and society). The award ceremony was held remotely due to the epidemic situation, with chess grandmaster Laura Unuk as a guest to encourage the young people.

Us teachers focused on cooperative teaching and cross-curricular integration. Many lessons were held remotely (via Zoom or MS Teams) which allowed us to collaborate with other organisations such as House of the EU. Pupils also developed their skills using online tools. Our main goal was to improve our pupils’ independence and creativity, as well as strengthen their digital competences.

The lessons and experiences from the previous school year helped us grow and implement new practices and teaching styles. In this school year (2021/22) we are paying particular attention to the use of ICT in foreign language teaching. We conducted lessons on the use of tablets for independent work with text in a foreign language, introduced our pupils to various online tools, especially English-English dictionaries. Teachers attended a refresher course on relationships and teleworking during the coronavirus, lead by our head teacher, Natalija Kotar. She prepared content on remote work and ways for teachers to further motivate pupils. As part of this activity we came up with some more ideas on how to motivate our pupils and also set personal SMART goals.

Our head teacher, Natalija Kotar, presented our school and the Slovenian school system at the seminar in Helsinki and met the contact school from Germany (Robert Schuman Europaschule), which is our partner school in the Let’s get green project. She also visited the school in Helsinki and made a report to the teaching staff about their school life and work.

Our head teacher, at the time, has developed a strategic plan for the future management of the school. She presented the plan to her colleagues. The plan is now part of the school’s development plan for the time period 2022-2026.

(Skupno 129 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)